CFI Ministries will commemorate, with due fervour, ‘AzadiKaAmritMahotsav’ the 75th year of Independence with the theme ‘Nation First, Always First.’ Wepayhomage to all the freedom fighters who had fought for India’s freedom. We remember and salute them for their sacrifices for our nation.
As it is the 75th year of India’s independence, it is also a time for us to celebrate the sweet success stories and achievements in science and technology, agriculture, education, health care, sports, green revolution, surviving Covid-19, India gets its second woman President and the list goes on…Looking back, it is amazing to see the underlying unityin spite of cultural and other diversities. Thanks to our nation’s great leaders for their vision and to be the source of strength to our nation. It is also a season of celebrations of all the people from different walks of life. We are proud of our Defence Forces who continue to be the sentinels of our freedom and sovereignty.
It is a landmark occasion to hoist the nationalflag, and celebrate the event. Our national flag isa sign of our pride and patriotism with people of different regions. Every yearvolunteers of CFI Ministries organize various socially relevant development programsto raise awareness and other programmes that help and make communities to have responsible citizens, in tune with our national ethos.
On this occasion, our staff and volunteers, together with various communities remember and celebrate the legacy of the freedom fighters and their contributions for the success and growth of our nation. There will be various programs to participate in ‘HarGharTiiranga’campaign (every house should hoist the tricolour flag).
On this auspicious occasion, we are proud of our beloved nation and want to ensurethat we will continue to work towards advancement of our nation. May joy and harmony always remain in our nation.
CFI Ministries wish all the success to our nation. Happy 75th Independence Day!